Advice From the ProsWhere to Use Your Video Content – Michelle Amarra, SCB Video TV...

Where to Use Your Video Content – Michelle Amarra, SCB Video TV Marketing

On this segment of Advice From the ProsMichelle Amarra, President at SCB Video TV Marketing has some great tips on where to use your video content to help promote your business. Tune-in to hear more from Michelle and be sure to check out her previous tips, Don’t Be Afraid to Make People Laugh, Why Video Marketing Works and The Top 3 Types of Videos to Promote Your Business.

Video Transcription

Hey guys, it’s Michelle from SCB Video TV Marketing, and this is your tip from a pro. So do you already have a video that you’ve used or created for your business? There are so many ways that you can utilize it and here are some tips on where you can use that video content.

Number one, your website. People love going to a website that has a video on it. Number two is a social media platform. Digital plus video right now is yielding the biggest return on any investment. So definitely if you have a video, put it on social media platforms. Videos can also be used in direct email marketing, or maybe even in presentations. So if you have a video for your business, don’t just run it on television as a commercial, use it on the many platforms that reach millions of people every day.

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