Manage Your BusinessLeadershipBusiness Manager or Business Leader - What Does Your Company Need?

Business Manager or Business Leader – What Does Your Company Need?

For many employees, the manager of their office, department, or human resources is their immediate boss. This “higher-up” employee has the authority and decision-making privileges those under them do not have. The manager can make your day go smoothly or fill it with potholes. Is the job of a manager to boss underlings or to encourage and assist staff members in improving overall work performance?

Defining a Business Manager

While not always the case, far too many employees see the manager as a boss that “barks” orders at them, who takes no personal interest in the people working under them and is more interested in the power that their title bestows.

Defining a Business Leader

A business leader is concerned with the success of each person in his or her department and provides encouragement and inspiration to help every employee reach his or her potential.

How Does a Manager Become a Leader?

For a manager to become a leader, he or she must gain the respect, trust, and loyalty of the employees. It sounds complicated and challenging, but it is easier than you might think. There is always an occasional day when things go wrong at work, and everyone needs to pull together to get the problem straightened out.


A leader will approach the matter with calmness and wisdom. Stressing out employees will only project a negative work environment and make problem resolution more difficult. Show the employees you respect them by asking for suggestions and implementing them whenever possible. As a leader, your primary job is to bring out the best in all your employees. What type of actions bring out the best in people?

  • Recognize and complement employees abilities and talents.
  • Take note of at least one positive thing each of your staff did during the week and mention it at the next staff meeting.
  • Perform your job well to inspire trust and loyalty from staff. Management people who do nothing are not leaders.
  • Engage with employees. Be aware of who does more than their share of the work and who does just enough to get by.
  • Get to know each person in your department on an individual basis. Learn who the workers are and who the complainers are.
  • Empower your staff with training when the company installs new equipment or software. Don’t leave employees to try and figure it out on their own.
  • Respect is a two-way street. Be genuine in everything you say and do. When you appreciate the hard work employees do, and how they contribute to your department, they’ll respect you back.

When you bring out the best in others, you’ll be at the top of your job performance. Leave managing back in the last century where it belongs. In the 21st century, you need to be a leader and provide inspiration and encouragement to everyone working under you. Leaders help everyone to be successful and rise to their full potential.

For more tips on leadership, read our article, 5 Tips for Exhibiting World Class Leadership.
Read more articles on small business leadership.

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