Scale Your BusinessGrowth StrategyHow to Engage in Authentic, Enjoyable Networking

How to Engage in Authentic, Enjoyable Networking

Does business networking seem like a chore? Plenty of people are out of their comfort zones when they attend business gatherings. You might notice some, though, are confident and interact with ease. They are successful because of their valid agenda and positive attitude. Here’s how you can get the most out of business events too.

Be Yourself

If you don’t like networking, you probably imagine you must grin and bear business events. You haven’t recognized what you can offer and gain – once you have a worthwhile aim, you’ll appreciate interacting.

You’re passionate about your business and want it to succeed, so why not take your enthusiasm to networking functions? Your keenness is attractive and interesting. Focus on your wish to see your company grow and your motivation and energy will rise.

Think About Giving

Your knowledge and experience can help fellow networkers. Remember, everyone networks because they want to get ahead like you do and some might appreciate your wisdom. Your know-how is valuable when shared and you’ll get a kick out of offering practical support.

Pay attention to what you can offer and the pressure to impress and ‘work the room’ will lift. Instead of planning to ambush would-be helpers, see yourself as a potential helper, and you’ll build mutually worthwhile relationships along the way.


Stay Positive

Negativity is catching; it affects everyone you meet. When you have low expectations, you get what you anticipate too. Stay upbeat and expect to make useful contacts and enjoy networking. People will respond favorably to your positive attitude.

Focus on the Moment

Do you clock watch, fiddle with your smartphone, and glance secretly at the exit when networking? Your behavior is a classic sign of not being present. When you aren’t present, you don’t connect with people because you can’t give them your full attention.

Entertaining thoughts about escaping stops you enjoying networking. Maybe some people in the room could be your business allies and friends. However, if your awareness is in the future, you won’t recognize them. Stay in the moment, and you’ll be open and friendly.

Listen Well


Listen well while networking instead of diving into your agenda. Rapport building is a vital step toward constructing symbiotic relationships. Pay attention when people speak, give them eye contact, and strike up a genuine dialogue and they will respect you. Ask open-ended questions that require more than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response and conversations will expand.

Follow Up

If you promise to put someone you meet in contact with a colleague or commit yourself to take a different action, do it straight away. Not only will others be grateful, and helpful in return, but you’ll experience relief after fulfilling obligations.

Embrace positive authenticity and you’ll find business networking engaging, and even fun. Let your passion for your work shine, aim to be helpful, and develop an encouraging attitude; others will be grateful you’re in the room, and you’ll connect with them.

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