Market Your BusinessMarketingIt's A Good Time To Decentralize Your Content Strategy

It’s A Good Time To Decentralize Your Content Strategy

If you are living in a world where content revolves around your website and nowhere else, you are in a dangerous situation. Your website will soon be left dangling in the wind in the abyss of forgotten pages while the digital market passes you by. The rapid growth of social media platforms and mobile delivery methods have created the necessity to decentralize content in order to compete in the market. A centralized publishing strategy only becomes more irrelevant and with every passing day, you are going to have to make some changes or your site will be crippled and unable to compete with the evolving market.

As you transition to a more centralized content strategy, there may be some bumps in the road but there are some things you can do to minimize risk. There are a few major points to keep in mind to make this a successful endeavor. The transition to a more decentralized approach is not something that happens overnight. It must be prepared for, planned for and taken in stride. In a way, it is similar to SEO because it will be as complicated as you make it. You can’t jump in and expect to know everything in the next 24 hours. Keeps these things in mind as your strategy evolves.

Tap Into Content Communities

Establishing your site as an authority in your niche or industry involves placing content outside of your own channels. This may be a little uncomfortable at first, but it will get easier as you learn your way. There are plenty if free sites, like LinkedIn or Medium, that attract plenty of high-quality traffic and they are a virtual gold mine of opportunity. Tap into these sites to publish and promote your valuable content. It is especially great if you have highly valuable, thought-provoking or even controversial pieces that will garner a lot of attention. Not doing so is just like handing the traffic off to someone else. Community-based sites, such as these, create engagement which is crucial to your content marketing strategy.

Press Release Services

Over three-quarters of successful marketers use press release services to help decentralize their content. They do it because its an old-school fundamental PR practice that works. It is a fantastic way to diversify and gain credibility in the course of your strategy. Of course, you must ensure that your approach includes research and data-driven methods. A trial and error method is certainly not the approach you want to take. No matter which outlet you decide to use, you must have a firm grasp on your audience’s expectations and the type of content they are receptive to. You also must ensure that your pitch is compelling and mutually beneficial, otherwise, it will get no attention.

Social Networking Platforms

Social media platforms and content marketing go hand in hand. If you are not using them to decentralize your content marketing, it will be hard to be successful. Regardless of your industry, social media gives you the opportunity to put a human voice behind your business. There are multiple platforms to choose from, regardless of the type of content, your audience is most receptive to. There are media driven platforms, data-driven platforms, and context driven platforms all at your disposal. If you aren’t using one of them for your content marketing, you are way behind. Your target market is bound to be on one of them.

Decentralizing your content involves multiple opportunities and strategies, all of which require research and forethought. This is a subject which needs to be broached with care and creativity. However, it can extend the life of your business and help you compete in a digital marketplace that continues to evolve daily.

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