Small Business ShowsThe Small Business ShowFinding purpose: How media personality Barbara Majeski inspires others to live boldly

Finding purpose: How media personality Barbara Majeski inspires others to live boldly

Barbara Majeski found herself at a crossroads in her life after being diagnosed with colon cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, and getting a divorce. Today, she is known as the Curator of the Good Life and inspires others to live their lives with purpose, style, and adventure. Majeski is also a lifestyle expert and TV personality who has appeared on various shows, including TODAY, Inside Edition, Fox and Friends, Good Day New York, and more. Check out her story.


Jim Fitzpatrick:
Thank you Barbara for joining us today.

Barbara Majeski:
Thanks for having me, Jim.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Sure. So for those of the few viewers out there that may not be as familiar with you and your story as we are here at the show, tell us a little about yourself and your journey.

Barbara Majeski:
Yeah. You know, in 2015, on the heels of my marriage falling apart, I was handed a stage three cancer diagnosis. And I have three young kids, and I had to do six months of chemo. And it was in the middle of chemo, when I thought I was actually having a breakdown down, I actually had a breakthrough. Because in that moment I took inventory of all the things I was really proud of. And Jim, I have to be honest, it wasn’t the cancer that I thought was going to take me. It was the chemo that was getting the better side of me. And I’m a pretty hardy girl. And I was like, oh, this is bigger than me. And I thought at one point, this is where my story ends.

Barbara Majeski:
And when I took inventory of all the things I was proud of and how my kids would know me, I also took inventory of the things I hadn’t done. And it was in that moment that I realized that I had left so much unsaid. And I made about if I ever got to the other side of cancer, I would never play small again. I would never let the voices of fear, self-doubt, or the weight of other people’s opinions, ever stop me. And I’m a woman in my word and that’s kind of where you’re meeting me, is just leaving it all out on the field at this point.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
That’s fantastic. It is a very inspiring story. And one that I think so many other people can relate to, that have been through similar situations like you just described. You’re known as the curator of the good life. Talk to us about this and the principles behind creating and curating a good life.

Barbara Majeski:
So I think it’s important through my story. That what my biggest regret, is that I waited until I was confronted with my own mortality before I started really living at the highest expression of myself. Really taking risks and putting myself out there. I let the voices of self doubt really limit what I was doing. So when I got to the other side of cancer, I was like, all right, I said, I was going to go big, what does that mean?

Barbara Majeski:
And I threw myself into TV because I always wanted to do television. And I always dreamed of being on the Today Show. And my thought was, what I’m really good at, where my zone of genius is, is I’m able to find, and test out, and then share all the good stuff. I love sharing, whether it’s a good recipe, a good trip, or a good mindset strategy. I’m really good at share. So I’m the curator of the good life. I find, test, share, everything that it means to live with purpose, style, and adventure. So, that’s what I do on television anyway.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Well, that sounds great. So give our viewers some tips. I mean, right now we’re coming off of COVID 19, and the last two years of this, and dealing the best way that we know how through all of it. There’s been some very, very difficult times for people. And then there’s been some people that have actually celebrated a pretty good year in business. And then it’s everything in between. But at the end of the day, these have been very trying times. What are some of the tips and suggestions that you have for those out there that are trying to keep it all together? Be the stay at home mom that’s going to be taking care of their kids and homeschooling them, to the person that’s got to go out and make a living through these very trying times and keep it all together.

Barbara Majeski:
I think the best piece of advice that I learned most recently, is that what you appreciate appreciates. And if you can just pick up the pen, there’s nothing like the power of the pen. Write things down and focus on what you have and less of what you don’t have. Appreciation, gratitude, it’s an abundance vibration. And to bring in more abundance, opportunity, growth, to deepen your relationships, start from a space of gratitude. And move into appreciation as opposed to focusing on what you don’t have.

Barbara Majeski:
And then start writing down things. You know what, this is what I want to bring into my life. Without that scarcity mindset, or feeling deprived. But feeling that level of abundance and opportunity, as opposed to scarcity. And start writing it down, because the subconscious mind has no sense of humor. So just by writing it down, bringing in the magic, the power of the pen, will start moving you in the trajectory of a place that you really are going to ultimately thrive. So those are my two pieces of advice. Be appreciative and write down your goals, objectives, and what you’re grateful for.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Sure. So many people will spend more time planning their summer vacation, or in this case, their spring break vacation, by writing down where they’re going to go and what they want to get done during the vacation and what have you. Then they ever do planning the next year ahead of them. So I think it’s a great idea and it’s a great suggestion to have people write it down. Because so many people I think are afraid, right? To put pen to paper and to put those goals down and those objectives that you want to see through and get done. And really, I think in a lot of cases, the people I speak to say, well, what if I don’t get it done? I put it on the list, I committed to it, and I didn’t get it done. Now I feel like even a bigger failure. Talk to us about that.

Barbara Majeski:
Well, that’s so interesting. Because you made a really great analogy, so many will plan these big, massive weddings, or these big events. And they start there and they know what they want and they know what they’re going to build. And then they reverse engineer, and it’s magical. It all comes together, but they don’t apply those same principles to their goals, their aspirations. What kind of home they want to have, what kind of career they want to manifest.

Barbara Majeski:
And you have a choice, whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right, Henry Ford. And why not just choose to believe in yourself, and not give up, and stay the route, and stay persistent. Because if you can make that big, amazing wedding, or you can make this big trip, or you can do all these other things. Then you can apply these same principles to your career, or relationships, or whatever you’re aspiring towards.

Barbara Majeski:
But yeah, you know what? The journey’s not easy. I bet you planning that wedding wasn’t easy. I bet you there were hiccups. I bet you planning that vacation there were a ton of hiccups and things that really got you frustrated. But you were persistent and you were like, I’m going on vacation, I’m getting married. You were like, I’m not giving up. Well, why don’t you just take that same mental mindset and just say, I’m going to go ahead, I’m going to claim it over here. Because you have two choices, you can believe or you can not believe.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
You mentioned that you always wanted to be on the Today Show, and lo and behold, you were on the Today Show. As well as Inside Edition and Good Day New York, just to name a few. What was that like, realizing that dream of being on the Today Show you must have been beside… probably an out of body experience to know that you are on the set of the very show that you wanted to be on.

Barbara Majeski:
The cool part was, in 2006, I read the secret and that it’s all about law of attraction, manifestation. I thought it was a bunch of voodoo. And I was like, what is this voodoo? But I had read it, and I watched the movie, and they’re like write down your goals. Don’t stop yourself. And I was like, well, if I was to dream a dream, I would want to be on the Today Show. I want to be Jill Martin on the today show. And as I’m writing it down, I’m like, I don’t know who I think I am. And I wrote it down and I kind of shelved it. And it was when I was going through my chemo treatments that I took inventory of that. And I was like, I never did anything. I just wrote it down and expected it to magically appear. And so when I all of a sudden started to take steps, and be like, all right, I’d rather fail trying than fail to try.

Barbara Majeski:
My very first booking, Jim, I swear, it was my very first booking was on the Today Show. Wow. So it was like, okay, maybe it the very first booking, not like in Van Buren Arkansas or anywhere else, I was like, I’m just going on the Today Show. But the cool part that I think is really important in that question, is that when I got there, I had already been there before in my mind, a hundred thousand times. So when I walked into that studio, I was sitting in the green room. I just made myself a coffee as if I had already owned the place. I felt very comfortable, and was I nervous when all of a sudden the lights went on. And I did have that moment of like, what is this?

Barbara Majeski:
So it was tempted with, I absolutely have been here in my mind’s eye a hundred thousand times. And then of like, oh my, this is happening. And it’s so magical. And that’s what I love teaching and sharing with everyone, is that you can move in the trajectory of your dreams if you’re willing to believe in it and do the work to get yourself there. So, yeah. That’s how I felt. I’ve done the Today Show a dozen times. I’m still going on it. I do the Nick Cannon Show. And it’s just fun, I’m living my best life. I’m leaving it all out on the field. I’m showing up on empty, and the door’s going to be hanging off the car.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
I got to ask you, because of your background, your incredible story, your appearances on national television. There’s got to be a book inside you somewhere, right? Are you working on that, or where does it…?

Barbara Majeski:
Thank you. I am working on a book right now. And it’s all about living your best life. And intertwined with my childhood stories. Growing up Schwartz, I call it. My maiden name is Schwartz. And I’m one of two sets of twins, my mom’s a triplet, special needs brother. And it was a crazy, loving, warm, but very unconventional childhood. So somewhere in there is a book. So hang tight for it.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Absolutely, no question about it. Sooner rather than later on that, for sure. So let me ask you a question. Do you ever look back and say to yourself, wow, if that cancer diagnosis didn’t come, I might not be where I am right now.

Barbara Majeski:
I always say cancer happened for me, not to me. It changed the trajectory of my life in more positive ways than negative ways. I move through my experiences with much more fluidity, grace, compassion, understanding theirs. I am grateful for that part of my journey. I don’t wish it on anyone. And that’s part of me living in service and giving back, is that I try to help people not wait till they’re confronted with their own mortality before they start stepping into really their highest, best expression of themselves. So it was a gift. It was not an easy time, but we grow our muscles when we break them down.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
That’s right. No question about it. The very enthusiastic Barbara Majesky. She is living her great life or good life, I should say. She’s the curator of good life. Look for a book, it’s not out yet. But we are definitely going to have her back. Hopefully you join us on the show again, when you release the book. Your story is incredible. One, I think one that so many people that can relate to. Because everybody goes through trying times and obviously you have cancer back there. And that’s a very, very difficult thing. And so many people can relate to that, right? And here you are coming out on top. On the Today Show no less. So congratulations on all your success.

Barbara Majeski:
Thanks Jim. I appreciate it. And it is all about framing your understanding, your knowingness of your journey. That you are a victor of your own journey. Or you can frame yourself as a victim. But again, the decisions on you, it’s in your jurisdiction. So pick your path and go with it is my theory.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
That’s right. Barbara Majeski, thank you so much for joining us on this show. Very much appreciate it.

Barbara Majeski:
Thanks Jim. It was nice meeting you.

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