Manage Your BusinessCustomer ExperienceWhat You Can Learn from Airbnb About Customer Experience - Joseph Michelli,...

What You Can Learn from Airbnb About Customer Experience – Joseph Michelli, NYT Best-Selling Author

On today’s show, we’re pleased to welcome back Joseph Michelli, author of multiple New York Times Best-Selling books and customer experience expert. Joseph discusses what business owners can take away from his latest book “The Airbnb Way: 5 Leadership Lessons for Igniting Growth through Loyalty, Community, and Belonging“, and how to implement some other valuable customer experience practices. 

AirbnbMost small business owners think that customer experience is simply delivering their quality product or service for the best price, and doing that consistently. However, customer experience is really all about the emotional connection between businesses and consumers, and really building on that personal relationship. It also requires a thoughtful understanding of how you want to build that emotional relationship.

That message appears frequently throughout the book, about how Airbnb intentionally decreases the use of over-inflated claims, and focuses on the importance of using reputation systems to advance the business and to do the right thing. Joseph says that at some fundamental level, customers just want good service. They want to be able to get the product or service they need quickly and conveniently. There should be a sense of urgency in the delivery, but on top of that, when they do take the time and have all those conveniences, they still need to interact with the customer on a more emotional level.

To hear more from Joseph about his latest book, “The Airbnb Way”, be sure to watch the full interview above, and to watch and read more great customer experience content, click here.

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This has been a JBF Business Media production.

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