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Theory of 5: How business leaders can guide their employees to success — Andrew Schultz

Every business or organization is only as strong as its leader, and being a good leader means positively adapting to a changing work environment. A team will rarely work harder than its leader. If the head of the group doesn’t believe in the mission, those who follow won’t, either. Today on the Small Business Show, we discuss how business leaders can set up their employees for success with Andrew Schultz, President and Operations Manager of the Theory of 5 University. We’ll also learn about his new venture, which picks up on the Theory of 5 book written by car dealer and businessman Chris Saraceno. 


Jim Fitzpatrick:
So Andrew, talk to us about this. You’re going to take the book, make it a program that people can really take ownership of, right?

Andrew Schultz:
Yes, and thank you for the opportunity, Jim. I really appreciate it. And I’ve been a big fan of your show over the years.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Oh, good. Thank you.

Andrew Schultz:
Provide a great service to people. Chris Saraceno and I have known each other for about 20 years in the automotive industry, and Chris asked me about a year ago to partner with him to create a masterclass. That was our initial conversation was just to create a masterclass for the book and the workbook so people could really dive into the book and have a better understanding of the book and the workbook.

That led to many conversations that Chris and I had about how to get the word out for the book and the workbook, and it led to the conversation of having a training, coaching university. So our university is a training company and a coaching company, that we’re going to develop coaches and trainers to go out into the marketplace and give the Theory of 5 processes through masterclasses and live workshops.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
That’s great. That’s great. For those that are not as familiar with the book yet as I am, tell us a little bit about the book and the takeaways because I think they’re really very fascinating.

Andrew Schultz:
So I like to refer to the book and the workbook as a three-part system. The first part of the book, we help you discover you, your deepest meaning and purpose and the things about yourself. And then the second part is we focus on the five key areas of your life, and they’re spirituality, business and finance, health and fitness. So those five key areas, and then you pick one or two areas. And the secret sauce in Chris’s book and the workbook is the mentor-coach relationship.

So what Chris and I both know is that when you have mentors in your life and you have coaches in your life … I’ve been in the coaching and mentoring industry for 35 years, and I’ve had some great mentors like Stephen Covey. I’ve had Bob Farley who was the president of the manufacturing company that mentored me. So without those mentors and coaches in my life, I really wouldn’t have the opportunity to become who I became and the highest version of me. So that’s what we do with the book and the workbook.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Yeah, it really is fantastic. What is the difference or what is different about what you’re doing with the Theory of 5 University versus maybe some other programs out there?

Andrew Schultz:
I’m so glad you asked that question. When I first looked at this, Jim, and when I saw how transparent Chris Saraceno was in the book and the workbook, and he leads with spirituality and faith, and that really touched my heart. And I said to my wife, “I’m so glad he’s not shying away from the spirituality part,” because that can be, as you know, in corporations and in many different areas, a sticky point for people. But we are able to navigate through the spirituality part with people, and we’re finding that a lot of people are embracing the Theory of 5 because we have spirituality in there.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Right. Does it endorse any specific religion or is it just to say one should have that as part of their different elements?

Andrew Schultz:
It doesn’t, and what Chris talks about and what we talk about at the university is the difference between spirituality and an organized religion. We don’t try to push our viewpoint or a particular religion or faith on anyone. We just believe that you should have some kind of spirituality in your life.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Yeah. Absolutely. So what is your vision for the university? And if we were having this conversation five years from now, what does the Theory of 5 University look like? Are there trainers and consultants and coaches all over the country, is it just a certain few in certain areas, or what does that look like?

Andrew Schultz:
I actually have a number, 1,019 coaches out there teaching and changing and transforming lives one person at a time. And these 1,019 coaches are going to be part of the university culture. I’ve been in training and coaching a long time, Jim, and I can tell you there’s a lot of companies that are in the business to certify coaches to make a lot of money doing that. We are not.

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Andrew Schultz:
We’re in the business to partner with these coaches and give them a very great working environment so they can go out and do what they love, and that’s coach people.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Yeah, which is very, very popular nowadays. In the last I’d say 10 to 15 years, you’ve seen a lot of corporate executives hiring coaches. You’ve seen people that want to take their own careers to the next level, hiring coaches and having somebody that they’re accountable to because I think accountability means so much in this. I know that if my trainer is not at the gym waiting on me, chances are I’m going to skip a number of days that week and say, “Eh, I’ll just sleep a little bit later,” but so much of it is the accountability. If this person’s waiting on me, they’ve got expectations of me and where my next level is in terms of either my weight loss or my workout, I don’t want to let them down, right? And that’s a big part of this.

Andrew Schultz:
Absolutely. In fact, that’s a great segue into the first chapter of the book. It all starts with you, and that’s what we talk about. It really starts with your decisions, the way you program your mind. We have a proprietary system that we’re developing called The Onboard Computer, and when I saw this in the book, I said to Chris, I said, “Do you know how great this is?” I said, “This Onboard Computer System, we’re going to create an app for that. We’re going to create a proprietary system around that onboard computer and help people program their mind differently,” because it really does start with you and the decisions you make on a daily basis.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Well, there’s no question about it. It’s up to you. If it’s going to be, it’s up to me, right?

Andrew Schultz:
That’s for sure.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
As I said, I highly recommend the book for those of you that are out there. But in addition to that, you really want to take your career to the next level and maybe you want to become a trainer for the Theory of 5 University. It is a great business opportunity backed by some really solid individuals, and it’s probably not a high cost to get into. This is something you could probably work from your home, right Andrew?

Andrew Schultz:
Yes, exactly. In fact, the work balance life as far as our coaches and trainers and mentors are all going to work from home or they’ll work into certain corporations. We’re going to have some high-level mentors that will go into companies, but for the majority, everybody’s going to be working from home.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
This is a great business opportunity for those executives or those people that said, “Hey, I’ve either decided that I don’t want to continue my career any longer.” COVID, I think, changed a lot of minds out there. Maybe it starts as a side hustle. Maybe it’s something that you say in my retirement years. There’s a lot of people out there that have said, “You know what? I’m going to take an early retirement in my 50s, and I have a lot of runway in me and a lot ahead of me,” and this might be a great opportunity for you to look into. Hey, for them to learn more about this, where do they go, Andrew?

Andrew Schultz:
Pretty simple,

Jim Fitzpatrick: We’ll show it on the screen right here, and connect with Andrew and he’ll tell you more about the opportunity. But if you think you have what it takes to be a coach and a mentor and work with a lot of people and helping them to take their careers to the next level and their lives to the next level, I should say, then this might be the program for you. So Andrew Schultz, President and Operations Manager for Theory of 5 University, thank you so much for joining us here on the Small Business Show. We very much appreciate it.

Andrew Schultz:
Thank you, Jim. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about Theory of 5.

Jim Fitzpatrick:
Great, thanks.

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Anna Delvillar is the editorial coordinator and a staff writer at ASBN. She graduated with a B.A. in English Composition from Georgia State University and has five years of experience developing content strategy and writing for automotive, tech, and small business media.

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