Market Your BusinessMarketingHow small business owners can use identity positioning to build their personal...

How small business owners can use identity positioning to build their personal brands

In today’s world, a business is more than just its product or service—it’s a reflection of the people behind it. As small business owners, we often focus on refining our offerings and operations, but what we might overlook is our most important asset: our personal brand. Building a personal brand is essential for small business owners to stand out, earn trust, and create lasting connections with clients and customers.

That’s where Identity Positioning comes in—a strategy I’ve developed over the years that allows you to build a personal brand that’s clear, consistent, and honest. It’s about understanding who you are and ensuring that your identity aligns with your business’s growth and direction.

The Importance of Personal Branding for Small Business Owners

As small business owners, our personal identity is intertwined with our business. Whether we like it or not, our clients and customers will form perceptions about us based on how we present ourselves. They will judge our expertise, professionalism, and values, not just by what our company offers but by how we, as individuals, operate.

Your personal brand is the foundation of these perceptions. It goes beyond your social media profiles or the content you produce. It’s the entirety of how you present yourself and how others experience you, personally and professionally. In Identity Positioning: A Macroscopic View on Personal Branding, I explain:

“Imagine the word “personal brand” is split into two so it appears as PERSONAL || BRAND. On the left side, you have the word “personal.” This consists of the characteristics, interests, hobbies, passions, traits, life experiences, and other aspects of an individual. It’s what makes them that unique friend to have—the same reason some students get labeled the class clown or the most likely to succeed. On the right, you have “brand.” This side is reserved for accomplishments, certifications, professional careers, years of service, testimonials, and things that generate revenue or attention in an industry-specific way.”

For small business owners, this means that the strength of your personal brand can directly impact the success of your business.

1. Establishing Your Personal Identity as a Leader

The first step to leveraging Identity Positioning is establishing a clear and transparent personal identity. You have to dig deep and ask yourself critical questions: Who am I as a leader? What do I want to be known for? How does my personal brand align with my business goals? These are essential questions because, as a small business owner, you are the face of your company, and the way you position yourself directly influences how people see your business.

I’ve worked with numerous business owners who have struggled to differentiate themselves in crowded markets. The solution often lies not in their product, but in their personal brand. When customers connect with the person behind the business, they feel a sense of rapport and loyalty. As I’ve noted:

“Rapport is trust, and in the digital space, it’s not like you are literally shaking another person’s hand and they’re able to look you in your eyes and intuitively read you. However, you do have the ability to leave a first impression.”

By clearly defining who you are and positioning yourself as a leader in your industry, you can create a stronger connection with your base.

2. Consistency Across All Platforms

Consistency is key to building a personal brand that people trust. Your personal brand should be reflected in every touchpoint of your business—whether it’s in-person interactions, online content, or even customer service. When there’s a disconnect between how you present yourself and how your business operates, people notice, and trust begins to erode.

As I wrote in my paper:

“It takes hundreds of years for the mightiest oak tree to be nurtured and grow, but only minutes for it to get cut down. Such is the qualm of reputation.”

For example, if you’re promoting yourself as a cutting-edge entrepreneur but your website looks outdated or your communication style is impersonal, you’re sending conflicting messages. Your personal brand should be integrated into your social media, website, and how you interact with customers, ensuring that your values, professionalism, and identity shine through in every detail as extensions of you!

3. Using Your Story to Build a Connection

One of the most powerful ways small business owners can use Identity Positioning is by sharing their story. People love to feel a part of something. They want to know the person behind the brand, the challenges you’ve faced, and what drives you to succeed. Your journey is unique, and sharing it not only humanizes you but also creates an emotional connection with your audience.

In my experience, small business owners often overlook the value of their personal story. They assume customers only care about the product, but the truth is, customers care about the person offering the product even more. I’ve seen business owners transform their relationships with customers simply by being open and transparent about their experiences.

For example, if your business started as a passion project, share that. If you faced hurdles along the way, talk about them. People will appreciate the honesty and relate to your journey, making them more likely to support you and your business.

4. Building Authority and Thought Leadership

Finally, Identity Positioning can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. As a small business owner, you have unique insights and expertise that can set you apart from competitors. By sharing your knowledge through articles, speaking engagements, and content, you can position yourself as an authority in your industry.

In today’s crowded market, thought leadership is crucial. When you establish yourself as an expert, people naturally gravitate toward you for advice, guidance, and solutions. This increases your visibility and can significantly boost your business’s reputation. 

Final Thoughts

Small business owners have a unique opportunity to build personal brands that can amplify their business success. By using the principles of Identity Positioning—establishing a clear identity, maintaining consistency, sharing your story, and building authority—you can create a personal brand that connects with your audience and elevates your business.

The success of your small business is directly tied to how you position yourself. In 2024 and beyond, it’s not just about having a good product or service; it’s about having a strong personal brand that people connect with and trust. Take the time to invest in your identity, and watch as your business grows alongside it.

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Isaac Mashman
Isaac Mashman
Isaac Mashman is a personal branding strategist and the founder of Mashman Consulting Group, a firm that specializes in personal brand development and reputation management for public figures, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. With years of experience in the industry, Isaac has become known for his innovative approach to building personal brands through his philosophy of Identity Positioning. His work focuses on helping clients differentiate themselves in their markets by amplifying their unique strengths and stories. Isaac has collaborated with numerous individuals across various industries, guiding them to optimize and scale their personal brands. His dedication to education and strategic growth has made him a sought-after speaker and consultant in the field. In addition to his consulting work, Isaac is the host of the podcast "Call it Excessive with Isaac Mashman" and the author of Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence.

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