Elevate your excellence: Dave Anderson on winning the day for personal/ business success

Whether you’re striving for personal growth or professional success, going the extra mile can be key. Joining us on the latest episode of The Small Business Show, with insights from his newest book, Elevate Your Excellence: The Power of Doing Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well, is Author, Speaker, host of the wildly popular podcast The Game Changer Life, and the President of Learn to Lead, Dave Anderson. 

Key Takeaways

1. Anderson emphasizes the power of small, early wins that set the tone for the rest of the day. Whether it’s something as simple as making your bed or hydrating first thing in the morning, these actions create positive momentum. He warns against starting the day in a reactive mode, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and underprepared. Winning early builds confidence and leads to greater focus and productivity, essential for personal success and leading a business team.

2. Additionally, Anderson highlights the critical role mindset plays in achieving excellence. He shares his experience working with athletes and business professionals, noting how a disciplined, proactive mindset helps individuals overcome setbacks and stay focused on long-term goals. By stacking small wins throughout the day, people can train themselves to be mentally tough, creating the self-confidence necessary to handle challenges. Anderson’s advice to business owners and entrepreneurs is clear: get your mindset right, and your business performance will follow.

3. According to Anderson, the difference between a routine and a ritual is significant. A routine might be a set time for a task, like going to the gym, but the rituals are the specific actions taken during that time that truly determine success. In business, it’s not just about showing up to work; it’s about the quality and intention behind the actions taken during the workday. Anderson advises entrepreneurs to evaluate their routines, looking for areas where they can improve the rituals within them to maximize efficiency and excellence.

4. Moreover, Anderson stresses the importance of mastering the current moment rather than being distracted by thoughts of the past or future. He draws parallels between athletes who focus too much on the scoreboard and business professionals who get caught up in long-term outcomes. Instead, the key to success is to concentrate on the task in front of you and perform it with excellence. This focus on “what’s next” allows entrepreneurs to consistently progress without getting bogged down by what could or should happen.

5. Leaders’ mindsets profoundly impact their teams. Anderson explains that a positive, disciplined mindset can have a compounding effect, boosting morale, focus, and productivity across an entire team. Conversely, a negative or disorganized leader can bring down the entire group. He encourages leaders to be mindful of how they prepare themselves mentally before entering the workplace, as their influence extends far beyond their tasks and responsibilities.

"It's not the made bed, it's the conditioning. Starting with a win, doing your best, not making an excuse for doing less than your best, and feeling good about yourself that you did it." – Dave Anderson