Small Business ShowsThe Small Business ShowThe Atlanta Small Business Show - 5 proven methods to attract new...

The Atlanta Small Business Show – 5 proven methods to attract new subscribers, 4 Strategies to Increase Profit, and Should You Work with Your Family

On today’s episode of The Atlanta Small Business Show:

email marketing

Email Marketing: 5 Proven Tactics for Rapid Subscriber Growth

Targeted traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, and a healthy and well-maintained email marketing list allows you to pull in engaged visitors almost at your leisure.

However, building up your subscription list is the obvious hurdle you need to clear to put yourself in this happy position. How can you attract new subscribers as easily, quickly, and cheaply as possible? Read the article on ASBN for five proven methods. READ NOW


4 Strategies to Increase Profits – Fast!

Your small business needs to make money, right? Of course. More profit means several things: expanding your business and hiring more employees. But how does your business remain increasingly viable…Short of resorting to cutting staff and salaries?
According to Advicoach blog Atlanta, there are four strategies? The first one is to increase prices, but don’t alienate customers. Remember, prices are raised periodically to meet rising costs. Number two: cut costs…Finding cheaper ways to do business. For example, going paperless is not only better for the environment, but it helps your business rely less on paper. That alone saves your business money. Number three: leverage technology. Advicoach says one of the fastest ways to increase profit is to save time. Saving time means you’ll have more of it to focus on income-producing opportunities. And number four: know your customers. Advicoach suggests knowing who they are, what their needs are, and their pain points. Each customer is unique, so you can’t treat them all the same.

Cory Mosley

Hiring Family and Friends for Your Small Business

In an article from the American psychological association titled: spousal support and coping among married coworkers, it showed that work-linked couples are generally more resilient in the face of stress. Fast company says the main reason for this is that couples tend to perceive they have their partner’s support, which helps them cope with difficult moments at work. So, we wanted to know from business strategist and founder of the fearless entrepreneurship society (Cory Mosley…Is it a good idea for small business owners to work with their better half? WATCH THE INTERVIEW

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