Small Business ShowsThe Small Business ShowThe Atlanta Small Business Show – Are You Taking Sexual Harassment Training...

The Atlanta Small Business Show – Are You Taking Sexual Harassment Training Seriously? | How to Drive Traffic with Your Facebook Cover Photo | Should your Small Business Have a Mobile App?

On today’s episode of The Atlanta Small Business Show:

mobile appShould your Small Business Have a Mobile App?

The vast majority of people today are increasingly connected to the world of digital information “on the go” via smartphones or mobile devices. Over 90% of people own a cellphone of some kind; 77% of those owning a smartphone. Today, mobile apps are the leading form of digital interaction. READ MORE

facebook trafficHow to Drive Traffic with Your Facebook Cover Photo

As a small business, driving Facebook traffic from your followers to your website is important. But how can you do it without using ads? Well, according to the small business blog, Social Media Examiner, you can use your Facebook cover image to generate clicks that convert into leads. Your cover photo can also help capture your follower’s email addresses. It suggests you design a cover image to promote an offer. Your cover photo is “clickable”, as is the photo in your library. So in the photo’s description, you can add copy to direct users to your freebie (via your data capture tool). In funnel marketing terms, that freebie is known as a lead magnet. To read the full article, visit How to Drive Traffic With Your Facebook Cover Photo

Are You Taking Sexual Harassment Training Seriously at Your Business?

As a small business owner, you constantly have a things-to-do list (whether written down, typed in your phone or just in your head). From top to bottom, you arrange it from most important to least important.
With today’s environment of hashtagging a movement when everything isn’t politically correct, providing sexual harassment training with your team might be something you finally mark off your list of things to do…Tune-in to our interview with J.C. Baker, CEO, and Founder of J.C. Baker and Associates to discuss a work manual, code of conduct and your mission statement.

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