Matt Easton’s ‘no-cost’ sales strategies for small businesses

In today’s highly competitive market, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the need to outdo rivals in marketing, social media, and pricing. But sales coach Matt Easton is here to remind us that sometimes the key to getting the sale is as simple as raising your hand. Join us on today’s episode of The Small Business Show, where Easton shares practical, no-cost strategies to help you compete effectively and build genuine connections with your customers.

Key Takeaways

1. Matt Easton emphasizes the power of raising your hand and making direct, genuine connections with potential clients. This strategy involves reaching out and letting people know you can help without initially trying to sell them anything.

2. Making at least ten calls to potential clients daily can significantly boost your visibility and opportunities. This consistent effort doesn’t require a large marketing budget, just a genuine intention to connect and offer assistance.

3. Easton advises letting prospects know if your product or service isn’t a good fit for them. This approach builds trust and credibility, showing that you prioritize the customer’s needs over just making a sale.

4. Slowing down the initial process to understand the customer’s needs can lead to better outcomes. By asking questions about their biggest reasons and goals, you can tailor your approach to meet their specific requirements, making promotions and discounts less critical.

5. Successful business leaders and salespeople have a transparent process they trust, show genuine care for their clients, and listen actively. These professionals set their egos aside and focus on building relationships based on understanding and empathy.

"You don't need to have the most expensive marketing budget in the world. If you just make at least ten calls a day and let people know you're out there, you'll be shocked at the results." – Matt Easton.