How Maria Walden, DePriest Waddy empower local causes and donors

In this episode of The Roadmap, we dive deep into the world of nonprofit organizations with DePriest Waddy and Maria Walden from the Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia. As the demand for nonprofit support grows, particularly in addressing issues like food insecurity and inflation, this discussion offers a valuable look into how community foundations operate, fundraise, and make a difference. Whether you’re considering starting a nonprofit or looking to maximize your impact as a donor, this episode sheds light on the vital work to support local causes and navigate the complexities of nonprofit management.

Key Takeaways

1. The Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia prioritizes addressing hyperlocal issues, such as food insufficiency, which has surged due to the pandemic’s aftermath. By focusing on immediate community needs, the foundation drives significant impact with its funding efforts.

2. The foundation generates revenue through donor-advised funds, where individuals can contribute to a charitable trust fund, benefiting from tax advantages while directing their donations to causes they care about. This model supports both the growth of the foundation’s assets and the causes it supports.

3. Financial advisors are crucial partners for community foundations like ours. They help clients navigate charitable giving options, including donor-advised funds, and connect potential donors with the foundation.

4. A priority is ensuring that a significant portion of donations goes directly to causes rather than operational costs. The foundation emphasizes efficiency and effective management practices to maximize the impact of each dollar donated.

5. Volunteering is a valuable way for individuals to contribute beyond financial donations. The foundation helps connect volunteers with nonprofits that need various forms of support, from staffing to mentorship, enriching community involvement.