Starr Douglas on revolutionizing hospitality staffing with tech solutions

In today’s episode of The Roadmap, we dive into the journey of Starr Douglas, the visionary CEO and founder of Fronthouz. From her roots in a hospitality-driven family to creating an innovative, on-demand staffing platform, Starr shares how she turned industry pain points into a fast-growing business. As Fronthouz prepares to expand to 12 cities, Douglas reveals the challenges, inspirations, and key strategies that fueled her entrepreneurial success.

Key Takeaways

1. Fronthouz offers a tech-driven solution to one of the hospitality industry’s most persistent challenges: staffing. The platform provides an on-demand workforce for various venues, ensuring seamless service without gaps.

2. Douglas’ background in hospitality, influenced by her mother’s career, inspired her to address the staffing shortages she experienced firsthand as a bartender and bar manager.

3. Building the Fronthouz platform wasn’t without hurdles. Douglas learned the importance of closely monitoring tech development, especially after discovering significant delays due to inadequate progress by third-party developers.

4. Fronthouz is set to expand rapidly across 12 cities. Douglas’ strategic approach, driven by early accidental market insights and strong partnerships, positions the company for growth.

5. Nonetheless, Douglas emphasizes the importance of meticulous scheduling, relationship building, and maintaining flexibility to navigate the unpredictable challenges of entrepreneurship.

“I learned the key phrase, ‘trust but verify.’ That was a big one, especially on the tech side of things... There was no progress. There was no tech to begin with. There was a template, and that was all we had.” – Starr Douglas.