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How to Become Unstoppable and Find Your Confidence in the Workplace – Stefanie Diaz

There’s nothing quite like going into business for yourself. And our guest today knows the challenges and rewards of quitting the rat race and pursuing your greatest ambitions. On today’s show, ASBN’s Jim Fitzpatrick speaks with Stefanie Diaz, leadership coach, speaker, and podcast host to discuss her journey of building a business that is dedicated to women’s entrepreneurship and empowerment in the workplace.

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Jim Fitzpatrick: Welcome to the Atlanta Small Business Show, Stephanie.

Stefanie Diaz: Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Sure. So for those people that don’t know the name, Stefanie Diaz, those few out there, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started in your business.

Stefanie Diaz: I am galvanizing unstoppable women. Through events and content focused on the art of building yourself while you’re building your business. I’m the founder of W.O.E. Women Only Entrepreneurs. And there we have events and membership that really invite female founders and lady bosses into an experience where they can really feel like they have a tribe of support around them.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Mm-hmm.

Stefanie Diaz: And really the energy that they’re seeking as they take those steps along their journey.

Jim Fitzpatrick: So it sounds fascinating. So what inspired you to do this type of work and what was your source there for motivation?

Stefanie Diaz: Yes. Well, my motivation has really been my own journey. And the pain points that I had. And then getting to the other side and immediately wanting to turn around. And I’m just like, if there was anyone who was feeling how I was feeling, I want to help them.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Right.

Stefanie Diaz: Going back into my career, I actually was in pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Oh, okay.

Stefanie Diaz: And worked in several startups there. And had the great fortune of always reporting right into the owner and entrepreneur. So I gained a lot of confidence about my ability to one day run my own business.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Sure.

Stefanie Diaz: The thing is, I didn’t know what that business is going to be yet. And then I started to think, I think I would be good at hosting a podcast. And so I created Mastermind Your Launch, and that became the platform for me reinventing my career.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Tell us a little bit more about W.O.E. and the Women Only Entrepreneurs.

Stefanie Diaz: 2016 was a massive year of change for me. And in 2017 I really felt like I was coming to the other side of what I call an awakening.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Mm-hmm.

Stefanie Diaz: And I had someone asked me very just plainly if you had to put into an event, what would you have to put into an event to help a woman experienced the same type of awakening that you feel like you’ve had? And W.O.E. was my response. I said that there would have to be an interview with a really amazing female founder.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Right.

Stefanie Diaz: One who has had success, but who is very transparent about the struggles of her journey. Because I wanted that authenticity to go there.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Sure.

Stefanie Diaz: I said that there would have to be dancing. Because dance had been a big part of just my grounding, and self-discovery. And I feel like in the business world, we women, especially the ones who are really challenging ourselves, you get into your masculine energy a lot. Where’s the to-do list, the charts, the check it off.

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Jim Fitzpatrick: Right.

Stefanie Diaz: And so I wanted a space for women to reconnect to that soft feminine side. A safe space. I said that there would have to be affirmations. Because your mindset and soul work is so important. And then lastly, I said there would have to be champagne. And so that is the W.O.E. main event. I describe it as Ellen Meets Oprah, for women entrepreneurs. And our main event is hosted on a quarterly basis around Atlanta.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Well, that’s phenomenal.

Stefanie Diaz: Yes.

Jim Fitzpatrick: So I guess you’ve got one coming up then.

Stefanie Diaz: I do, yes.

Jim Fitzpatrick: So, talk to us about that. Where’s it located and what are the details?

Stefanie Diaz: On November 13th we’re going to be at the St. Ives Country Club, in John’s Creek.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Okay. That’s a beautiful spot. I know it well.

Stefanie Diaz: It’s a beautiful venue. Yeah. There’s a gorgeous terrace for a little cocktail reception beforehand. The event is from 6:00 to 9:00. The female founder that’s going to be there for a fireside chat is Jewel Burke-Solomon. She was named to Forbes 30 under 30 at the age of 26. To talk to us about her journey to get there as well. So I’m really thrilled for that.

Jim Fitzpatrick: That’s great. Now, starting a business from scratch requires putting yourself out there and making connections. What advice do you have for other young entrepreneurs out there that might not have the great personality that you have? But need to network and get out there.

Stefanie Diaz: The energy that you have around you is critical. And so there’s a couple of different ways that you really need to be hyper-aware of who your connections are, who your mentors are, your peers. You may find that you have people in your circle that have really been rock solid for you to date.

Stefanie Diaz: But if you start pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, take a look at the type of energy that they bring you. Are they still there with so much support and helping you?

Jim Fitzpatrick: Right.

Stefanie Diaz: Or are they putting doubt into your journey. And be really okay with setting boundaries, and making sure you have as little of that kind of energy around you. Because it can throw you off so much, especially when the foundation of your business isn’t rock solid.

Stefanie Diaz: One wrong conversation can really make you feel like you failed before you’ve even gotten started.

Jim Fitzpatrick: That’s a very good point.

Stefanie Diaz: And so, be really okay with cutting away what has been the norm to date. And then seeking out the people who are really there.

Jim Fitzpatrick: Stefanie Diaz, thank you so much for joining us on the Atlanta Small Business Show. We appreciate it. Love to have you back on in a few months to talk about the event, how it went, and maybe some of the other things that are coming up with W.O.E. I love the name.

Stefanie Diaz: Thank you so much. All right, I’ll be back.

Jim Fitzpatrick: That was obviously by design, right? W.O.E. (whoa)

Stefanie Diaz: You know it.

Jim Fitzpatrick: That’s phenomenal. Thanks so much.

Stefanie Diaz: Thank you.

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