Manage Your BusinessManagementFive Secrets of Successful Pop-Up Shops and Small Booths at Markets

Five Secrets of Successful Pop-Up Shops and Small Booths at Markets

Did you know that the global number of weekly brick-and-mortar shoppers has risen four percent (40 percent vs. 44 percent) in the past three years? Also, 81 percent of Generation Z customers prefer to do their shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. With the rise of online shopping, this may seem like shocking news, but contrary to popular belief, today’s businesses are benefitting from the best of both worlds with temporary pop-up shops and booths at local markets while also maintaining an online presence.

Today’s small businesses can facilitate the onsite physical experience of interacting with a brand in-person, without them having to incur the long-term cost of rent. 

So, what is leading to the success of current pop-up shops, and how can you ensure yours accomplishes the goals you need? Read on for our five tips below: 

pop-up shopsTreat it Like an Omnichannel Experience

Unlike traditional permanent brick-and-mortar buildings, a pop-up shop should be a touchpoint within the buying process. These are not an endpoint but instead are a micro-moment, much like a social media or email marketing campaign. These pop-up shops should be a part of an omnichannel experience that connects your digital and in-person marketing strategies.

Use it as an Introduction 

You never get the opportunity to make another first impression, so use your pop-up shop as the ultimate introductory experience of your brand. You can use your storefront to display your company’s brand messaging, product, and even as a way of collecting customer information that can help you further connect with them (phone number, emails, and social media handles). Your storefront is also an excellent location for customers to take photos so they can share their visual brand experience on their social media channels.

Realize They are Excellent Testing Grounds

Have a new recipe that you want to try out before opening a full-scale bakery or setting it up as a new product on your online store? Great! This reason is why pop-up shops are excelling. Artisan and farmers markets are popping up in cities all over the country. These are excellent locations for trying out a product to see if the response is favorable enough to move forward with an idea. 

So, let your visitors know that you are seeking their input and feedback about your product, and let them in on how valuable this information is to you. Again, pop-up shops allow you to be in direct communication with your customers, so use this as an opportunity to encourage their candid opinion about what you have to offer.

pop-up shopsInvest in a Reliable POS System

The last thing you want is for your transaction system to give out in the middle of a busy pop-up shop sale. So, take the time to test out your system and ensure all products are listed on it with the correct prices. If you are offering any food items, be sure also to check that all tip options are operating correctly. Again, you want the customer experience of your pop-up shop to draw in potential customers. Ensuring that the purchasing process moves smoothly is a huge part of that process.

Have a Way to Measure Success 

How will you determine the success of your pop-up shop? Is it only dependent on sales, or are there other ways to see if your shop or booth were worth the endeavor? Before you begin planning the look of your pop-up shop storefront or booth, creating a corresponding hashtag, and marketing the event, develop your goals for success. These could include the number of emails and phone numbers you collect, the number of coupons redeemed, social media mentions, and visits to your website during the experience. While sales are crucial, engagement and information collection are longer-term metrics, you should also keep an eye on.

Final Thoughts

Pop-up shops are 80 percent less expensive than a traditional brick-and-mortar store. It also puts you right in front of your audience. Ultimately, this experience can move these potential shoppers to become long-term customers who routinely visit your online or physical store. Again, pop-up shops are an excellent opportunity to make the best first impression possible and give them a preview of the experience they can expect when they shop from you. If done strategically, pop-up shops can create buzz and excitement about your new business or product that turns into long-term sales.

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This has been a JBF Business Media production.

Chanell Turner
Chanell Turner
Chanell Turner is a contributing writer and investigative journalist for ASBN.

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